Educated Female Secretary For Office Related Work For A General Trading Company

Smart and Fast General Trading LLC On 31-12-2021
Title: Secretary Office Staff (ONLY FEMALE ) Company: Smart and Fast General Trading LLC Location: Dubai – UAE Type: Full-Time Category: Management Company Based in Dubai is looking for Secretary Office Staff (ONLY FEMALE ) Highly motivated and target driven with a proven track record in sales. Excellent selling, communication, and negotiation skills. Prioritizing, time management and organizational skills Relationship management skills, and openness to feedback. Should have some knowledge about hotelier and hospitality and other professional business services. (Experienced Fresher)

Job Type: Full-time
Location: Dubai (Preferred)
Language: English and Arabic(Preferred) Expected Start Date: 10/1/2022

Full-time, Permanent Salary: From AED 3,500.00 per month.

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